
Showing posts from March, 2018

Nice quiet area for a walk. Working on whistle drills. One whistle is to “STOP” and to look at me. Two whistles is to “COME” back to me.

Coming up with new games on the fly.

Road trip to Bass Pro Shop, pet friendly, buying training gear.

At Petco just having fun ridding in a buggy buying some new stuff.

Broc’s favorite store is PetSmart. When I’m not looking, he crawls under the shelves and goes sniffing.

Broc has pointed briefly before. But, today he held it long enough for me to fumble my phone out of my pocket and get a pic.

Out for an evening walk as the sun starts to set and some sound catches his attention.

Before/After the walk: Owning a Labmaraner, your car may get a little wet and may acquire a distinct smell.

Out for a walk in the rain, working on recalls. Different area and with little rain falling, giving Broc new and fun experiences.

Evening walk and having fun at the fountains downtown.

By the river playing Hide & Seek.

Taking Broc out for a walk along the river. New sights and sounds does him good.

Broc just sniffs into these sewer grates, walks over them and sits on them with no problem. My other two dogs fear them like they’ll fall into the center of the earth. This is a very proud moment for me.

Broc increasing his confidence and problem solving while having fun playing.

Puppies tend to sleep a lot. All they do is eat, play, sleep and potty in between.

Broc swimming at 7 weeks. This is actually his second time swimming. First time I didn’t record ‘cause I was too busy making sure my baby didn’t sink.

Placed a Futon on living room floor with blankets for Broc while I watch TV. But, he climbed onto the ottoman to be near me.

Done his 6 week vaccination already. There will be others coming up soon.

The Pup on the bag sold me. No, but really, I’ve bought this brand before for my other two dogs and it’s done well.

Just got home and gave him a Kong to play with. Figured Broc needed something positive the first few minutes in his new home.

Met the breeder half way. “Broc” is stretching his legs out.

I got the pick of the litter. Had to have a male, show more exploratory drive, more playfulness and that it’s free from congenital flaws.

The proud mama, a Labrador.

The proud daddy, a Weimaraner.

The litter is all together. One will be coming home with me.